8 Dog Breeds Banned By Home Insurance Companies

Doberman Pinscher

Dobermans are known for being incredibly affectionate and good with children, and the American Kennel Club gives them the highest ranking available for trainability.

Pit bull

Perhaps no breed group is more maligned than the pit bull, which is a term used to encompass several bull terrier breeds and mixes. 


Rottweilers are considered highly affectionate with family and more neutral with strangers, making them vigilant watch dogs, the AKC says.

Chow Chow

With a silly name to match a silly face, it might be surprising to see this breed on the list. But the AKC gives them middling scores for being around children, other dogs and strangers.

Presa Canario

So-called canary dogs are “especially suited to guarding and traditionally used for herding cattle,” according to the AKC. 


Akitas can look burly and brooding but “will gladly share their silly, affectionate side with family and friends,” the AKC says.

German Shepherd

Consistently one of the most popular breeds and often used in police work, German Shepherds are praised for their intelligence and loyalty.


The high-energy Siberian Husky is easily confused with the larger Alaskan Malamute, but this breed tends to weigh under 60 pounds and stand less than 2 feet tall.

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