8 Popular Foods That Some People Just Can't Stand


Everywhere you turn now, there are avocados. These fruits (yes, they are fruits) are popping up everywhere in burgers, sandwiches, and even pasta dishes.


Sticking with green food items, let's talk about peas. My mother used to try to sneak them into many of my meals, but the texture always threw me off.


We know there is a market for eggs (have you seen the cost of a dozen eggs recently?), but some people just cannot stand them. 

Fruit Pies

A good fruit pie is one of the best desserts in the world, especially during Thanksgiving. However, some people cannot stand the thought of mushed-up fruit stuck in baked dough.


Another food that is rising in popularity is boba. Boba restaurants are popping everywhere, but some cannot stomach the little balls that many will pay top dollar for.


Now, I can agree with my entire being – mayonnaise is gross. I don't like it on anything, and yes, I would prefer a dry sandwich over one slathered in the stuff.


A response explains that black olives are passable in the right context but that "green olives are absolutely disgusting under every circumstance."


Another health craze is eating kale. There are all types of kale, even kale chips. However, something about making a lettuce alternative into a snack doesn't sit well with most people.

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