9 Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss


They are high in fiber and antioxidants, with relatively low sugar content, making them great for weight loss. 


High in fiber and water content, apples can help you feel full, reducing overall calorie intake. 


Like apples, pears are high in fiber and can help with satiety and reducing hunger.

Citrus Fruits

These fruits are high in vitamin C and fiber, helping you stay full and hydrated.


It’s low in calories and high in water content, making it very hydrating and filling with minimal calorie intake.


High in vitamin C and fiber, kiwi can support digestion and provide a sense of fullness.


Low in calories and high in fiber, peaches can be a sweet, satisfying snack that helps with weight management.


Rich in enzymes that can aid in digestion and high in fiber, papaya can help you feel full and satisfied.


While higher in calories than some other fruits, bananas are high in fiber and can provide long-lasting energy, making them a good pre-workout snack.

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