9 Best Indoor Plants That Don't Need Sunlight

Snake Plant

Snake Plants or the common name, Mother-in-law’s tongue is a type of succulent that is well-suited to growing indoors, as they are one of the best air purifying plants around. 

Spider Plant

Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are a type of flowering perennial that is highly tolerant of low light and require very little maintenance.

Peace Lily

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum spp.) are a type of flowering plant that is easy to care for, making them one of the best indoor plants that don’t need sunlight.


Its lush green leaves make it an attractive addition to any room and its trailing leaves can be trained along trellises or even grown in a hanging basket.

Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese Evergreen is a popular type of tropical plant that is found in the warm, humid forests of Southeast Asia.

Dumb Cane

Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia spp.) is a type of tropical perennial that is highly tolerant of low light conditions and can easily be grown indoors.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is a type of ornamental perennial that has become popular for its ability to tolerate low light conditions.


Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae spp.) are a type of tropical flowering plant from South America that is easy to care for and can be grown in low light conditions.

Prayer Plant

The Prayer Plant (Maranta leuconeura) is a type of ornamental perennial that can be grown in low light conditions and can tolerate some neglect.

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