The Best Hard-To-Kill Indoor Plants That’ll Liven Up Your Home

Tradescantia Zebrina

Tradescantias are indoor plants that thrive in a range of different environments. Displaying distinctive purple-and-green striped leaves, this plant is happy in both direct and low-light area.

The Fresco

Pothos plants are fast-growing, resilient greens that are fun to care for because they’re always changing. When placed in indirect light, they only need to be watered about once a week.

Plant Propagation Station 

When your vine-y plant needs a haircut, just snip it at the node and place it in one of the water-filled vases: You might start to see roots form within days. 📷

Fiddle-Leaf Fig

This tropical plant likes warmth and humidity, so keep it in a sunny spot and make sure the top inch of soil stays moist. It's also a good idea to rotate it every few weeks.

Bird of Paradise

If you live in a super sunny space, your place was made for a bird of paradise plant. These indoor plants thrive in warm climates, and they can grow to be up to 5 feet tall. 

Costa Farms ZZ Plant

Get yourself a ZZ plant. This leafy, long-stemmed indoor plant is incredibly hardy, as it's able to thrive in low light conditions without frequent watering.

Potted Succulents

Surely you're acquainted with these little guys! Echeveria succulents are petite plants that display rose-like blooms, and they can be repotted with others in a single planter.

Sansevieria Snake Plant

Snake plants are known for their stunningly variegated, sword-like leaves. They like direct — but not intense — sunlight, so they're perfect for keeping by a window at home or in an office.

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